What can I do at the age of 25?

Nurav baruhan
1 min readMay 15, 2021

Tap into your creativity.

Effectively organize your living space.

Cut out romantic interests that just aren’t worth it.

Ask for what you want at work.

Read self-help books (no shame).

Get in control of your finances.

Enjoy time alone.

Motivate yourself to exercise.

Take your lunch breaks during the work day.

Get rid of Facebook friends you aren’t actually friends with.

Pay your own phone bill.

Deal with confrontation (the right way).

Go on a solo trip.

Start a conversation with a stranger.

Know how and when to unplug from electronics.

Network in person.

Have the kind of sex you want.

Write about your feelings.

Make a mean mixed drink.

Practice patience (in long lines, traffic, or otherwise).

Take your vitamins.

Relieve your stress via healthy strategy.

Get an 8-hour night of sleep … EVERY night.

Sing in the shower without embarrassment

